Sunday, March 23, 2014

Pkgs. delivered

On Monday my packages were delivered and I received pictures of the socks and mitts in action:

All were well received and I am so glad of that.
Now if the yarn would just arrive for my next projects.   Thank you FedEx for taking a
over a week to get my yarn from Ohio to MI.  Really, I see why they removed the word
'express' from their name and just say 'ex'.   Pony express would have had my yarn here in 3 days, no doubt. 8-(   I am definitely no a fan of Fed Ex.
Till later......

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wildlife visitors

This little fella is a regular visitor to our back yard feeders....he can't get into the feeders, but he sure does a lot of clean up work on the ground around the feeders.

This little guy has what seems like miles of tunnels under all the snow.  It is hilarious to see him pop up here and there all over the back yard.
We also have a lone grey squirrel that shows up several times a week looking for lunch.
Our doves are back feeding around the feeders, too.  We didn't see the for several weeks and worried that the harsh winter had been too much for them.  We don't know where they have been, but they appear plump and healthy, so they have been eating well, wherever they have been.
I have some pics of a very special visitor to our yard that I am saving until I can edit out the neighbors house number sign that is at the bottom of our yard.
tell next time......

Better late than never....yada, yada

It's late for this winter, but yesterday I mailed these to a couple of special people:

 These cozy fingerless mitts went to one special person.

These socks and fingerless mitts went to another special person. Yes, they are fraternal socks and mitts.  Sometimes that is just how I roll. hehehe!

I hope these will all be enjoyed and warm the ones who receive them.
till next time.......