I actually have a couple rows sewn together on that one, since I took the pic. All those triangles are fun to put together and keep them lined up and not stretch them out of shape. This was a mystery quilt on the quilt talk yahoo group and if I had known what it was like in advance I wouldn't have used the fish fabric since it is only one direction and doesn't really work well with the blocks on point. Lesson learned....don't use directional prints on mystery quilts. Oh well, it will be warm anyway.
I'm doing another mystery quilt, but not using directional prints, that's for sure. I had quite a bit of brown prints in my stash, so that is what I am using for this one. One of my prints has sort of a burgandy in it and it isn't really playing nice with the other prints, so that block might be replaced with something else.
I don't have individual pics of two of these blocks:
The brown background on that block on the left gets lost and overpowered by the print. Bummer.
This was the block for week 4 of the mystery quilt. I'm looking forward to block 5 which will be released tomorrow.
The moon was gorgeous on Monday July 2.
Your mystery quilts are turning out very nice!
ReplyDeleteThanks, after years of no quilting, it's great to get back to it. Things have changed so much.