Monday, November 4, 2013

At long last a post

I don't know why I haven't posted in so long, but I do think it is ridiculous.  I need to start posting my quilting and knitting adventures again.  
Here is what I am working on now.

 I made the 'string' blocks while on vacation in Illinois last month.
Last night I added the black sashes.  I saw something similar on Bonnie Hunters blog....she used 9-patch blocks where I used the string pieced blocks. Bonnie called hers 'dancing nine patch'.  I liked the way this unusual sashing arrangement made the blocks 'sashay' around the quilt.  I will be making more blocks, right now it is only 24 blocks and measures about 32 inches by 48 inches and I would like to make it bigger.  So I will be piecing more
string pieced blocks.
I have a pair of socks that need the toes finished for the Mr. 8-)   I want them done in time for him to wear them for deer hunting and that starts Nov. 15.  Needles will be clicking around here.  There is another pair that I would like to have ready for him to wear ice fishing, too.  It will probably be Jan. before we have ice on the lake, so that gives me a little more time. 8-)
till next time.....


  1. looks great momma! cant wait to come visit again and quilt together

    1. Thanks, it is lots bigger now and all sewn together and waiting for borders. I look forward to that too. Do you have some in the works or planning yet for us to quilt when you come up again?

  2. I'm looking at a couple pattern ideas, kinda liking Grandma garden patern but not sure I'm up to it, more detailed than I'm used too. I went to Joann to day to look at fabric ideas for it.,I found some owl fabric marked down to make Izzy curtain for her window.:0) I would like quilt while up but not sure I will have anything ready, gonna try. Love you
