Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday, Tuesday!!

There has been progress around here.  But, today before I could do anything else I had
to replace the handles on our log carrier.  Not a fun project, but a necessary one.

This charity quilt top is ready to be quilted.  Not the greatest picture, but I'm happy to
have this top done.  A January finish.......the top at least. 😊

Next up on the design wall is this very scrappy 9 Patch and Furrows.  I got a lot of
the little 9 patches in a box that I bought at an estate sale about 4 years ago.  I added
some of my scraps to have enough for a complete top.  I plan to put borders on this
one, but I haven't chosen the fabrics, yet.  Maybe a dark brown or navy narrow stopper border
Not sure what to use for the outer border, but I'm sure something will come to me.  This one is for me.

There is progress on the Old Dudes boot socks, too.  At just 2 or 3 rounds per day, it takes a while.
But, eventually they all get done.

I still have the Arrowhead quilt on the longarm machine.  It is too cold in that room to run the
machine lately.  We have been in the single digits lately and that really interferes with the quilting.
When the Arrowhead is done and off the frame, I  will put a little charity baby quilt on.  Picture later.
Till then........