Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday, Tuesday!!

There has been progress around here.  But, today before I could do anything else I had
to replace the handles on our log carrier.  Not a fun project, but a necessary one.

This charity quilt top is ready to be quilted.  Not the greatest picture, but I'm happy to
have this top done.  A January finish.......the top at least. 😊

Next up on the design wall is this very scrappy 9 Patch and Furrows.  I got a lot of
the little 9 patches in a box that I bought at an estate sale about 4 years ago.  I added
some of my scraps to have enough for a complete top.  I plan to put borders on this
one, but I haven't chosen the fabrics, yet.  Maybe a dark brown or navy narrow stopper border
Not sure what to use for the outer border, but I'm sure something will come to me.  This one is for me.

There is progress on the Old Dudes boot socks, too.  At just 2 or 3 rounds per day, it takes a while.
But, eventually they all get done.

I still have the Arrowhead quilt on the longarm machine.  It is too cold in that room to run the
machine lately.  We have been in the single digits lately and that really interferes with the quilting.
When the Arrowhead is done and off the frame, I  will put a little charity baby quilt on.  Picture later.
Till then........

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Forming New Habits

Trying to get in the habit of posting is going to be a challenge, but I really want to do it.

I have been doing ruler work on my Arrowhead quilt.  Another challenge, for sure.
I have two more borders to quilt and then I can turn it and start on the side borders.  The going is
very slow, but it is progressing.

The String quilt is on hold and waiting for borders.  It is in the line-up with several others that I
hope to finish in 2018.

This is a mystery quilt that I tested for it's designer, Laurie Quinn.  I started it in 2012 and got it to
the point of rows so I could let her know that the pattern was accurate and the 'clues' were easy to
follow.  That is where it ended until the last week or so.  I now have one more seam to sew and the
main part of the quilt will be done.  It will then go into 'time out' to wait in line for borders....another
one that I hope to finish this year.

Not the best picture, but the light isn't great and the room is a little crowded.

I have been working on a baby quilt for our local comfort quilting group.  I will be adding the
borders and getting it ready to be next on the longarm on either Saturday or Monday when we
have a 'sew' day.  The day being determined by the weather and the health of all participants.  It
is flu season, after all. 😕

Till next time.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Beginning again, again.

Of course, I am surprised that it has been so long since I blogged.  Good grief!
Since I have chosen my "word" for 2018. The word is "FINISH".  I have so many
things to finish, including at least a dozen quilts in various stages of construction.
I hope to finish at least one project every month this year.
   I am working on a pair of boot socks for 'the olde dude', these will be a couple  more
months of knitting.  My shoulders won't let me knit more than a couple rows a day. So,
it takes along time to knit a pair of socks.

These are just a very plain sock with knit 1 purl 1 ribbing.  I only recently acquired some
SockEase yarn and that is what I am using.  Using 2 strands held together and size 2 US needles.  

With the temperatures we are having this winter our wool socks are getting a work-out.  I don't
know if these will be finished before winter is over, but they will be welcome whenever the get done.

   There is a lot of sewing and quilting going on here, also.  I finished the main section of a string pieced quilt today.
I hope to get the borders on yet this month.  My design wall is a bit make-shift, but it works.
I have over a hundred strings blocks to turn into quilts.  I will be making a baby quilt top on our next
sew day for our comfort quilt group to donate to someone who needs it.  I have a top that needs a border and quilting that will go on my longarm when I have finished the quilt that I have going right now. No picture on that one, yet

I am doing only the second quilt that I have used ruler work on right now.  I didn't get a picture of this quilt before I loaded it on the longarm.  It is the arrowhead pattern and I am having a really fun time working on it.  It definitely has some boo-boos and wobbles, but it's a learning quilt. Here is a pick of one small area that I did, so far.

I am nearing the half-way point on this one and getting excited to have it finished.