Saturday, September 12, 2015

Paint Party!

Last week Kimmie, Karin and I had a 'paint night'.  We all painted the same picture and it
turned out 3 completely different owls.  It was so much fun!  We plan to do another
Paint Night the next time Kimmie comes to visit.  It will be my turn to pick the 'subject'.
I think it will be a 'northwoods', or 'lake Superior' theme.  Unless, something else strikes
my fancy before then.
Till later.....

Re-joiniing myself on this blog.

Good Grief!  It's been about a year and a half since I posted anything here.  I think it is
time to get back to blogging.
I just finished a quilt top and want to have a record of it.  Time to get this blog rolling

This quilt will be gifted soon and then I can get going on finishing another
top and get it quilted, too.  I have about 14 tops 'in progress', so I will be
a long time getting caught up.  All the better to keep from being bored.

I will be loading a friends quilt on the frame tomorrow or Monday and
will be happy to get that in the mail, finally.
It is so nice to be able to quilt again.  I have really missed it since I hurt
my knee last March and then again in May and finally in July.  I hope that
is the last of the knee injuries for a very long time.....ever.
Till next time......